Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Foundation work started on 24 Sept 2007.

Excavation as per drawing:

Excavation is the first step in the Foundation process. It involves digging 3.5 feet high x 1.5 feet wide trenches where the main walls of the house would come up. A 7 course foundation wall (including multiple layers of sand, cement, gelly & stones) is layed and that forms the foundation wall 3 Feet high and 18 inch wide. The topmost course forms the ground floor surface and is called the "Plinth" Level.

  • The level of the South-West side of the plot turned out to be 1.5 Feet lower than the rest of the plot. Due to this the foundation wall on the S-W side was 1. 5 higher than the rest of the sides. This is done to avoid sloping foundation bed.
  • Due to the slope on the South-West side we encounted severe water logging due to the rain water seepage underneath. Digging of foundation trenches in water-logged sites poses a great problem. There are varous methods of dealing with the situation which depend upon the depth of excavation, depth of water table and many other factors. In this case the engineer decided to follow a process called consilidation of soil. The method involves pumping out the water quickly and then converting the soft water-logged soil into a semi-solid mass by forcing silicates (sand) into the soil. This method is generally adopted in water-logged portions for small work.

Bhoomi Pooja

The Bhoomi Pooja (Ground Breaking Ceremony) was conducted on 23rd Sept 2007 between 10:00 am & 11:00 am.

The Significance:

"Bhoomi Pooja", meaning "Earth Worship" is an offering to Mother Earth and is a way that mankind shows thanks to the Earth. The place and the construction tools are anointed with auspicious things. A small pit is dug by family members to mark the beginning of the construction. The person performing the Bhoomi Pooja then requests the chief mason to commence work.


  1. Design Drawing
  2. Contractor selection
  3. Consulting Engineer/Contractor
  4. Project Estimation
  5. Plan Approval from Authority
  6. Financing
  • Legal scrutiny
  • Selecting a Bank
  • Loan Application
  • Loan Approval
  • Paperwork

Thursday, September 27, 2007


The blog "pcubejournal" was created on 27th Sept 2007 to record all the activities related to the constuction of our house.